Cut-Splice Supercluster by Lea Porsager

Cut-Splice Supercluster by Lea Porsager

DKK 250.00

Lea Porsager’s book is secretive, occult, and oddly interstellar, as if the book lets you peep into the creation of a new cosmos.  A suggestive call for new ways of reading, the book demands of the reader an openness and engagement. The text consists of passages from the American esoteric writer Alice A. Bailey’s A Treatise on Cosmic Fire from 1925, interrupted at various points by Porsager’s own written equivalents to shouting. The second half of the book is made up of a series of blue riso-prints that might be depictions of nuclear or solar constellations – or something completely different. The hardcover that outweighs the thin pages by its materiality almost folds the book in on itself, underlining the esoteric nature of its content. A beautiful example of a handcrafted artist book from Officin.


Published by Officin, 2014

28 pages


Edition of 300

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