Pist Protta 82

Pist Protta 82

DKK 80.00

Pist Protta 82 is the latest number of the magazine Pist Protta published by Space Poetry. Made on the premise of the mistake this issue consists of a collection of both unintended and deliberate errors investigating the relation between the flawless and the imperfect. As a tribute to the aesthetic of the fault the publication sheds light on book printing and publishing as a process where misprinted colors, cut-off images and inconsistent typography are common parts of the workflow. Looking through Pist Protta 82 the reader will find him/herself squinting at blurry pictures, turning the book upside down where pages have been misplaced and peeking under a folded corner and in the narrow space of the gutter where text, color and images have ended up.

Published by Space Poetry 2018

88 pages

20 x 25 cm

Edition of 600

Sewnbound paperback

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